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November 25, 2013


Espresso Stories has been online for about ten years. They publish short stories limited to 25 words or less. When I took a look a couple of days ago, they had nearly 9,000 short-shorts on file, representing just about every genre and every style.

About six years ago I submitted a few stories to the site. I'd forgotten all about them, until something I was reading last night reminded me of one. When I looked them up I was amused by the discovery that, long before I ever imagined I'd be blogging about married life, I had given one little story the same name that I eventually chose for my blog.

November 18, 2013

Apologies Made Easy (Almost)

Apologies Matter

A good apology can be powerful. Many people refuse to apologize, no matter what they have done, because they think that apologizing puts them in a weak position. Actually, the opposite is true. Refusing to apologize when you are clearly in the wrong makes you look like a stubborn child, a coward who dodges responsibility, or a fool who can't see the truth. Conversely, apologizing makes you appear stronger. You have the courage to face your mistakes and take responsibility for the consequences. You bring an end to the argument and choose the direction the conversation will take.

Knowing when and how to apologize is particularly important in the context of a long-term relationship. Disappointments and betrayals, however small, injure the relationship. If the injuries are left unhealed, they fester into resentment and distrust. The long term result is that the relationship grows more distant and less satisfying over time. Repairing the damage as soon as possible creates positive feelings and reinforces trust.

November 11, 2013

The Stern Romantic

Farm couple, man has thought balloon showing wedding ring

People who knew my grandfather John might be surprised to hear him described as a romantic guy. A man of few words, he worked hard and went to bed early. He liked old-fashioned westerns and adventure stories; romantic movies put him to sleep quickly.