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April 29, 2015

Jack Sprat

by guest contributor Lynda Chalmers

Jack Sprat could eat no fat....

Today's post is about differences and how to handle them in long-term relationships. At first, most differences in our partner are delightful. Those we don't find so delightful we are able to put aside. It may not be long, however, before those differences loom up in a negative way and we start to let them separate us. Or perhaps we begin a long campaign to change the other person, creating difficult dynamics in the relationship.

April 20, 2015

Aurora Borealis Creates Beauty From the Atmosphere

by guest contributor Lynda Chalmers

An atmosphere creates the beautiful aurora borealis in the north - what does your relationship atmosphere create?

The aurora borealis is a result of a collision of charged particles from the atmosphere of the Sun's intense heat and the gaseous particles in the atmosphere at the northern hemisphere of the Earth (one could think of a few metaphors for your relationship in this)! I have had the privilege of seeing the aurora borealis, and the colors and waves of color are beautiful. It brought to mind some atmospheres that were the opposite of that, as I was hearing from couples that were having much difficulty in their relationship.