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May 11, 2012

Read All About It

If you are looking for advice, information, inspiration, or a good laugh, there are plenty of marriage-related websites and blogs to choose from. I've collected a list of nearly 70 blogs with something for just about everyone.

The list is alphabetical, so there is no ranking or preference implied. Most of the descriptions are provided by the bloggers themselves. It's fun to browse through the list and read a few posts here and there. There are many different points of view represented.

For example, The Happy Wives Club is about the joy of a highly successful marriage. Fawn writes that she and her husband decided "we would choose to be happy and to enjoy every moment of our life together. It is a choice. We made that choice and we continue to make it each and every day." Her blog includes problem-solving tips, advice on how to make wise choices, and inspiration from long-married couples.

Project Happily Ever After started from a somewhat different place. Alisa had become completely miserable in her marriage and found herself fantasizing about how much better her life would be if her husband would drop dead. A friend convinced her not to give up without first trying everything. So, with a plan and a stack of self-help books, she made changes that renewed her marriage and restored her view of her husband as Mr. Right. Her blog includes marriage advice, sex advice, meditations on life, and book reviews.

John Gottman and his colleagues have spent over 35 years scientifically researching marriage. He knows what works and what doesn't. The Gottman Relationship Blog is full of information and advice based on the work of the Gottman Institute.

At one time, Patty Newbold was so frustrated in her marriage that she believed her only chance to get her needs met was divorce. Sadly, her husband suddenly died, and she discovered that life without him wasn't the solution to her problems. Over time, she developed the Assume Love philosophy, which she was eventually able to put into practice with her second husband. Patty's blog is about having a happier marriage without demanding that your spouse change. The emphasis is on recognizing love and finding solutions that meet both people's needs.

There are many, many more blogs on the list, each with its own point of view and store of wisdom. I hope you'll take some time to look at them and perhaps find one or two that really speak to your life.

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