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January 12, 2016

Top Five For 2015

At the end of each year, it's fun to look back and see which posts were the most popular. Here are my top five from 2015.
  1. Thinking About Divorce?
    If your marriage has become difficult, contentious, distant, frustrating, or just plain boring, and you have begun to think that divorce may be the only way to get relief, think again.
  2. Does Your Spouse Make Mistakes?
    A negligent, thoughtless spouse can be infuriating. But maybe something else is going on.
  3. Things I Do That Annoy My Husband
    Yes, we all have eccentricities and quirks.
  4. Valentine's Dinner Costs Too Much!
    There are ways to get the romance without breaking the bank.
  5. A Life Well Lived?
    Imagine yourself years in the future, looking back on the best and worst of your life. Would you like to change some of your choices?

Older posts continue to be read, so their popularity numbers keep rising. Here are my all-time (so far) top five.
  1. 13 Ways to Keep Snoring From Ruining Your Relationship
    I shouldn't have been surprised that this was at the top of the list. Snoring is a universal problem.
  2. Things My Husband Said
    Just a few quotes from Hubby that will make you smile.
  3. Nag Me Some More
    Being nagged can be infuriating, but there is another way to look at it.
  4. Jealousy is Not Romantic
    This is another theme that seems to touch almost everyone.
  5. Are You Trying to Drive Me Crazy?
    Does your partner insist on doing those annoying, inconvenient things that make you want to scream?

Thanks to all my readers, guest contributors, and fellow bloggers for a great year. I wish you all a happy and successful 2016. Let us all renew our commitment to relationships that are satisfying, meaningful, and filled with love.

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