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April 25, 2016

Interviewed at Modern Married

One of my favorite blogs is Modern Married, the creation of Maggie Reyes, a life coach and writer whose slogan is, "Create a life you love with the love of your life."

Maggie's loving wisdom is evident in everything she writes, and her approach to happier, healthier relationships is truly inspiring.

So I was very excited and honored to be interviewed for Modern Married. Interviews make me nervous, but Maggie's gentle approach put me completely at ease.

If you haven't yet had the pleasure of visiting Modern Married, this is a great time to start.
Image courtesy of Nongkran_ch at FreeDigitalPhotos.net.

April 21, 2016

What Does Love Mean to You?

I don't think the definition of love has changed since this song was released in the 1960s.


April 18, 2016

Sooner or Later, We Need to Talk

My work friend "Nina" told me about the night she decided to leave her husband.

There were a lot of problems in the marriage. Individually, most of the problems weren't serious, but some were, and except for the occasional pointless argument, nothing was being discussed.

Nina had decided that it was time to resolve some of the ongoing issues.

She waited until the kids were in bed. It was after 11:00 pm. Her husband was downstairs.

April 4, 2016

Don't Hang Up Yet

We used to call it the phone. The wire was connected to a building, and the phone (even with a cordless receiver) could be used only at one location.

Now we call it the landline, to differentiate it from the real phone, the one we carry at all times, the one that allows us to call and be called no matter where we are.

Landlines are disappearing, as more people realize that a mobile phone is the only phone they need. Younger people, many of whom can't remember a time without mobile phones, don't even consider landlines.

I haven't dropped my landline yet, but the day is coming. Still, I was a bit surprised when my mother, now in her late eighties, decided to give up her landline and go mobile-only.