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December 31, 2013

Grow Your Marriage Award

What an honor to have my Tweets receive A Grow Your Marriage Award from Lori Byerly at The Generous Wife!

Thanks so much, Lori. Here's wishing you, Paul, and your family a wonderful new year.

December 23, 2013

Happy Holidays

Champagne glasses

I wish all of you the very best now and in the new year. I'll be blogging again in January.

December 16, 2013

Remembering My Father

Portrait of Rosemary's father
Today is the fourth anniversary of my father's death at age 87. The last time I saw him, he wasn't able to recognize me. I believe that he thought I was a nurse. For health reasons, my mother had to go home early, so that evening, I was the only visitor.

Dad's distress at being alone in a strange hospital room, not remembering why he was there, kept him from sleeping. He felt abandoned and would call out for help. I stood next to the bed so he could see that I was there. His eyes were wide open with anxiety, and he complained of insomnia. I suggested that he might be able to sleep if he closed his eyes and let his body relax. I promised I would stay with him until he fell asleep. So he said, "I'll give it a try," closed his eyes, and dozed off peacefully. Those were his last words to me.

December 13, 2013

Seven Romantic Gifts For Your Special Someone

by guest blogger Alicia Lawrence

It's the holiday season, and if you've got a special someone in your life, that means time for romantic sleigh rides, smooching under the mistletoe, and exchanging presents.

For some couples, this can be a pretty stressful ordeal. After all, the gift you give says a lot about what you think of your significant other, and you want to get them something you know they'll love.

December 11, 2013

Some Like It Soft

Everybody needs a good night's sleep, but what it takes to achieve that isn't the same for all of us. Hot milk or hot buttered rum? Footsie pajamas or going commando? Night light or blackout shades? Soft music or earplugs?

December 6, 2013

Not Just for Married Folks

I got a comment recently from someone who felt this blog was of no interest to her because she isn't married. There is no doubt that the focus of my writing here is on long-term relationships founded on love and commitment. At the same time, I know that all of us live within a larger context.

December 2, 2013

Improve Your Marriage This Weekend

A lovely bedroom makes you feel good
Has your bedroom become a storage unit where old furniture and boxes full of things that need to be sorted (or thrown out) compete for space with dirty dishes, kid's toys and unfolded laundry? Is the wastebasket overflowing? Is there a pile of stuff on the night table that keeps tumbling onto the rug? Are there books and shoes tangled up in the sheets? Can you see the floor?