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July 28, 2014

13 Ways to Keep Snoring From Ruining Your Relationship

Is snoring destroying your relationship?
Is snoring ruining your life?

Being kept awake all night by the sounds of a bull moose caught in a lawn mower can drive you crazy. An occasional night on the couch may not be a big deal. But when the snoring goes on and on, all night long, night after night, people get desperate. Around the world, the spouses of snorers have resorted to separate bedrooms, divorce, and even murder.

July 21, 2014

Privacy and Secrecy

Privacy and Secrecy
Our local newspaper publishes a low-quality advice column. Recently, a woman wrote to the columnist about an incident in which she had picked up her husband's phone and attempted to enter the password. (The wife admitted that her husband hadn't given her the password; she had figured it out by watching him.) Her husband jumped up and knocked the phone out of her hand. The wife believed that her husband had overreacted and that his behavior was suspicious. In response, the columnist berated the woman for snooping and violating her husband's privacy. Yikes!

July 15, 2014

Another Wedding Song

I love this song!


July 9, 2014

A Frank Talk About Sexual Rejection

There are thousands of articles on the web about the problem of couples who are in conflict because one wants sex and the other doesn't. The writers offer many possible explanations and propose plenty of solutions. Maybe they have naturally mismatched sex drives, maybe there is conflict in other areas of the relationship, maybe someone is being too sensitive or too demanding, or maybe someone is a prude or a brute. There could be a hormone problem or some other medical issue, or one spouse could simply be overworked and exhausted. Experts suggest helping with the chores, improving communication, having regular date nights, getting more sleep, getting a medical checkup, agreeing to a schedule, sending the kids to Grandma's, turning off the TV and the cell phone, and getting marriage counseling.